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Creeping Boobialla  – Myoporum parvifolium ‘Fine Leaf’

Creeping Boobialla – Myoporum parvifolium ‘Fine Leaf’

Creeping Boobialla Myoporum parvifolium ‘Fine Leaf’ This is a very popular native groundcover due to its fast growing, thickly matting, hardy growth which has dense, small, soft green leaves with masses of small, fragrant, white flowers in summer. It is...
Bower of Beauty – Pandorea jasminoides

Bower of Beauty – Pandorea jasminoides

Bower of Beauty Pandorea jasminoides Bower of Beauty is a beautiful native climber with lovely, fern-like dark green leaves and large clusters of splendid pink flowers for most of the summer months. A great native alternative to traditional climbers, the Bower of...
Fan Flower – Scaevola aemula

Fan Flower – Scaevola aemula

Fan Flower Scaevola aemula Scaevola Fan Flower is a spreading, prostrate, Australian native shrub that forms a dense, mat-like ground cover. It has semi-succulent, bright green leaves that are wavy edged and slightly hairy, and lovely fan-shaped flowers of mauve or...
Hibbertia Guinea Flower – Hibbertia vestita

Hibbertia Guinea Flower – Hibbertia vestita

Hibbertia Guinea Flower Hibbertia vestita ‘Hibbertia vestita’ is a very pretty evergreen ground cover that bears the cheeriest little yellow flowers through spring, summer and autumn. Adaptable to most soils and easy to grow, it is perfect for difficult areas and is...
Liquorice Plant – Helichrysum petiolare

Liquorice Plant – Helichrysum petiolare

Liquorice Plant Helichrysum petiolare Named for its subtle liquorice smell, this plant is a wonderful attractive groundcover, featuring soft grey leaves with lovely cream flowers in summer. A vigorous weed suppressing beauty, it is ideal as a groundcover in hard...